Poetry in Songs

                Major Grade


Find the lyrics to a didactic song or poem that uses numerous connotative devices (figurative language) and is

at least 20 lines long.  Using TPCASTT, analyze the song or poem and illustrate it with original work.


You’ll need three copies of the lyrics or poem. 

One for practice, one with your illustrations on it   and one with your connotations underlined and labeled. 

Make sure you have the writer, not the performer, of the song.  The copy with your illustration will be your first

page.  Then you’ll go through TPCASTT, writing in complete sentences and paragraphs.

T – Sentence or sentences, your first response to the title.

P – A brief paragraph for each stanza and one for the chorus

CUnderline and label each device on a clean copy of the lyrics making sure you’ve numbered every five lines for

easy reference in your writing. Use your practice copy first.  Once you have everything correct, even the rhyme scheme,

NEATLY transfer this to your last copy.  Write a paragraph about the effects of the devices.  Why did the author use them?

 What do they do to the meaning?  To the sound?

AWhat is the author’s attitude (tone)  toward his/her topic?  Why did he/she write this poem? Provide proof from the

poem making sure to put the words in quotations.  (paragraph)

S – Look for and identify by line number or stanza the shifts or changes in the poem.  Explain each shift.   What

signifies the change? (sentences)

T – Look back at the title now that you’ve completed some analysis.  Does the meaning of the title change?  Do you

think there’s a better title?  Why?  (sentences)

T – What is the theme or message in this poem?  There can be more than one.  Prove it using the words from the poem.


                                                                      Here are some websites for you:





